Projects - Our contributions
10 776,26 euros distributed since 2018

Our friends the trees... fragile and irreplaceable - Photography: Pauline Beck

Luang Prabang - Photography: Pauline Beck

Oud-Reemst - Nederland - Photography: Maxime Beck
Forty-sixth action
Duncan Terrace & Colebrooke Row Gardens. London
To restore and create a space where biodiversity thrives and pollinators flourish.
Forty-fifth action
The Welsh Dee Trust - North Wales
To restore the brooks, streams and rivers of the Dee catchment for both wildlife and people.
Forty-fourth action
De Vlinderstichting - Nederland
To preserve the fragile and irreplaceable Nature, and all its beauty.
Forty-third action
Rewilding Europe
To protect Nature, to let it live in its own way, to watch it thrive and appreciate all its beauty.
Thank you to Mme France Plaut for her generous contribution
Forty-second action
Woodland Trust
Restoring beautiful, fragile and irreplaceable ancient woodland.
Protecting woods and trees.
Forty-first action
Association Groupe National de Surveillance des Arbres
Against the abusive felling of trees in cities and countryside.
Fortieth action
Association A.R.B.R.E.S
For the preservation and the protection of
the remarkable Trees and the beautiful Forests.
Thirty-ninth action
Association Rivières Sauvages
Protect wild rivers, so beautiful, so fragile...
and essential for the well-being of all.
Thirty-eighth action
Association Francis Hallé pour la forêt primaire
"Restoring a primary forest in western europe".
Because forests are beautiful, irreplaceable, vital to us
and their remarkable ecosystems.
Thirty-seventh action
BirdLife International
"Expand and preserve the beautiful, essential and fragile natural habitats".

River in Lake District - Photography: Pauline Beck

Beaver dams in Alberta, Canada - Photography: Pauline Beck
Thirty-sixth action
Expand and preserve the beautiful and fragile natural habitats
and make essential migratory stopovers peaceful and welcoming.
Thirty-fifth action
Butterfly Conservation
“Improve 1200 sq metres of coppice for rare woodland butterflies & moths,
and buy 40 wildflower seed packs to plant new nectar rich flowers for butterflies”.
Thirty-fourth action
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
“Help prevent the extinction of Black-tailed godwits”.
Thirty-third action
La Tour du Vallat
Research institute for the conservation of Mediteranean Wetlands.

Aguas termales Chalviri-Bolivia - Photography: Pauline Beck

Natural habitats essential to life - Australia - Photography: Lola Beck
Thirty-second action
Butterfly Conservation
Appeal: “Help us save species from extinction”.
Thirty-first action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “ Save Birds from extinction, Protect natural habitats”.
Thirtieth action
North Devon Biosphere
Appeal: “ Install Bird boxes and sow wildflower seed mixes “
Twenty-ninth action
National Trust
Appeal: “ Making Meadows appeal“
Twenty-eighth action
Woodland Trust
Appeal: “1,000 woods appeal“
Twenty-seventh action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “ Every gift you give, is a gift to nature “
Twenty-sixth action
Appeal: “Give air to la Grande Honnelle”. Belgium
Twenty-fifth action
Woodland Trust
Appeal: “A space for wildlife”
Twenty-fourth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “By making a gift to the RSPB, you will help secure the future
of vulnerable wild birds and their environment”.
Twenty-third action
BirdLife International
Appeal: “Your support is critical to ensure that BirdLife Int. can continue its work”
Twenty-second action
Woodland Trust Appeal: “The Big Climate Fightback”
Twenty-first action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Safeguard the forest’s future”

Machu Picchu- Peru - Photography: Pauline Beck

Laguna Hedionda, Bolivia - Photography: Pauline Beck
Twentieth action
Woodland Trust
Appeal: “1,000 woods appeal”
Nineteenth action
BirdLife International
Appeal: “Help us to tackle the urgent challenges our planet faces”
Eighteenth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Please help the amazing wildlife at Lake Vyrnwy”
Seventeenth action
Woodland Trust
Appeal: “Help us create beacons of hope for people and wildlife across the UK”.
Sixteenth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Help turn the tide for little terns this summer”
Fifteenth action
BirdLife International
Appeal: “Help us save endangered species”
Fourteenth action
Woodland Trust
Appeal: “Help us give Tring Park a new horizon”.
Thirteenth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Loch Lomond, Can you go further for nature?”
Twelfth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Wildlife needs more help this year”
Eleventh action
Woodland Trust
Appeal: “Ancient woodland restoration project - Help us give ancient woodland a future”
Tenth action
BirdLife International, Save Brasil
Appel: “For the world's Critically Endangered birds - time is running out...”
Ninth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Help save nature through the seasons”

Fresh water is an essential and precious natural resource for life.
The Mont Blanc seen from the Vanoise National Park. Photography: Maxime Beck

Patagonia - Photography: Pauline Beck

Parc de la Vanoise - Photography: Maxime Beck

The sumptuous Nature. Sometimes hostile...but without any bad thoughts. Canada Photography: Lola Beck
Eighth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Friends of Ramsey Island”
Seventh Action
The Whitley Fund for Nature. London
Natural History Museum, London Auction for the benefit of
the foundation's actions
Sixth action
IntoUniversity. London IntoUniversity Children's Benefit Auction
Fifth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “Turtle Dove Extinction Appeal”
Fourth action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: “You can give nature the space it needs to survive and thrive”. Homes for Nature Fund.
Third action
BirdLife International and Bird Studies Canada
Appeal: “Save the nationally endangered Piping Plover”
Second action
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Appeal: Help extend the unique New Forest landscape
First action - May 2018 BirdLife International
Appeal: Friends across the Flyway - America's migratory birds